Hub City Velo is a cycling club entirely run by volunteers. Our club is focused on providing a variety of bicycle riding opportunities in an environment of friendship and support as well as charitable endeavors that foster health and safety. Hub City Velo is composed of over 100 cycling enthusiasts residing in and around the Hattiesburg area.
Welcome to the website for the Hub City Velo Cycling Club! We are a recreational bicycling club in the Hattiesburg area. We offer rides suitable for experienced cyclists as well as beginners.
Non-members are welcome on most all of our rides as guests and we encourage you to join us! Individual dues are only $40 annually. We are a non-profit organization that relies on contributions and active participation by our members.
Our membership includes riders, racers, and commuters from beginners to experts. During the cycling season we organize regular training and recreational rides and club races. HCVCC takes sharing the road and responsible riding & driving seriously and asks that drivers and bicyclists work together to make roads a safer place. Our primary mission is to support and connect with fellow community members while extending a warm welcome to new cyclists. We strive to provide answers to their inquiries and inspire them to relish the sense of camaraderie within our group. We would love have you join us on ride!
Promote cycling for fitness and friendship
Encourage safe, courteous riding practices
Organize weekly recreational rides, training rides and competitive events
Engage in bicycling advocacy at the state and local level